Spacing Guild Information Service
Know now that it is the year 10,180 AG and the beginning of our Dune: Houses on Fire campaign. Many houses of the Landsraad have entered competition that will eventually see on of them rule the universe, or destroy it.
These posts will be made each week of real-time to summarize the events that have taken place in-campaign, at least those that become known to the general public, players will receive secret communiqués from the Game Master with results and happenings known only to themselves and their spies.
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This is a fan site devoted to running Dune: Adventures in the Imperium by Modiphius Entertainment, based on Dune created by Frank Herbert and owned by the Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. No use of eithers’ intellectual property on this page is meant to constitute a challenge to either entities’ rights and is intended under fair use provisions. We encourage you to buy a copy of this fine RPG, if you use one of the links provided on this page we’ll receive a small fee that will help support expansion of the material found here. The planetary illustrations here are mostly from the core book and NASA. Art not coming from Modiphius, or NASA are fan works either from myself or other fans, I credit other artists where I have a source available and would appreciate your help finding the origin of other fan art included without attribution. In many places I cite the Dune Encyclopedia, a collective work released in 1983, which I got from a book of the month club accidentally and was my entry point to the Dune universe, I would love to have a link available so you could get your own, but it appears to be out of print.
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