Locations of Interest
- Athenaeum
- The Cradle
- Javan
Languages: Galach, some reconstructed ancient languages used for arts and sounding smart.

Star System: Kublai
- Euterpe
- Melpomene
- Polyhymnia
- Clio
- Calliope
- Terpsichore
- Erato
- Thalia
- Urania
Habitability Class: II
Ocean planet with many moons and unpredictable tides. There is one or two small islands, but they’re pummeled continuously by the rough ocean and it is safer to live beneath the waves.
Noble House: House Tavian, House Chenney, House Sideon
Primary Export:
Bardic expertise, in a school. Secondary- musical instruments
Primary Import:
Survival/habitat supplies, seeds, farming supplies, silk, lumber
Calliope, Caspian’s great great grandmother, was part of a research team sent to research the planet, and they ended up staying and making a home there. The original house ended up splitting in two, and the two houses that remained are in a close, but also competitive relationship. Both think they have the right idea about what their progenitor would have wanted for Asherah, and won’t agree on who should own the planet, but they still work closely together to keep the planet functioning. Meanwhile the House Major in the system, House Mikarrol has become more aggressive in their expansion and subjugation of their weaker neighbors.
Brief history of the world.
Environmental Stuff.
Supplemental Entries
Grand library and college of bards. A repository of knowledge with thousands of books in every known language. The first glimpse of Athenaeum can be seen from low orbit, a huge spire of sun bleached brick rises into the sky, a lone beacon of progress and civilization amid the violent waves. There is a dock for arriving ships, and entrance into the college is through a glass elevator. As it descends, the rest of the city comes into view, glowing bioluminescent coral and glass habitats lighting up the murky depths like a jewel hidden under a shroud.
The Cradle
A huge fish hatchery and ranch where giant crabs and fish are raised for food. There is an observation bay where visitors can see the wildlife, and a moonpool where people can visit some of the more friendly species and even feed them.
Capital city and seat of power for the Tavian house. It is a huge glass dome in the center of a huge, bioluminescent reef with beautiful tropical fish, jellyfish, sharks, and whales that swim the waters. The streets are made of thick glass, showing the water underneath, like a giant aquarium. Music fills the air and there are cabins for rent by the outer walls that artists can rent to look at the breathtaking views and use it as inspiration for their art. This is the first place settled, and has remnants of the original research base reserved as a historical site that visitors must enter through to enter the city.
The Great Game
Active Houses

House Mikarrol

House Reyder

House Sideon (N1)
(sibling house, crest with blue and green with a golden trident over it. Motto- The ocean provides.)
House Chenney (N2)
(gules three smoke stakes in fess sable. Motto “Drill Baby Drill)
Planetary Usage

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This is a fan site devoted to running Dune: Adventures in the Imperium by Modiphius Entertainment, based on Dune created by Frank Herbert and owned by the Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. No use of eithers’ intellectual property on this page is meant to constitute a challenge to either entities’ rights and is intended under fair use provisions. We encourage you to buy a copy of this fine RPG, if you use one of the links provided on this page we’ll receive a small fee that will help support expansion of the material found here. The planetary illustrations here are mostly from the core book and NASA. Art not coming from Modiphius, or NASA are fan works either from myself or other fans, I credit other artists where I have a source available and would appreciate your help finding the origin of other fan art included without attribution. In many places I cite the Dune Encyclopedia, a collective work released in 1983, which I got from a book of the month club accidentally and was my entry point to the Dune universe, I would love to have a link available so you could get your own, but it appears to be out of print.
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