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Locations of Interest

  • Damastron
  • Chloris City
  • Aeglion Vale
  • The Black Steppes

Languages: Galach, Ancient Kallidian (Liturgical)

Star System: Iosphoros

Moons: Fafnir and Regin (neither extensively surveyed)

Habitability Class: III

Noble House: Harkonnen (major), Varnax , Solonix and Aeglian (minor)

Primary Export: Kallidian Steel

Primary Import: Luxury and consumer goods (or religion/ artistic).


The fourth planet in the Iosphoros system, Kallidos is a world dominated by volcanic mountain ranges divided into two large continents surrounded by vast, impenetrable seas. Some fertile areas are located on smaller islands, in some valleys and on the coastlines. The population is mostly concentrated in these fertile areas, with some notable exceptions. The planet is ruled over by an unusually large number of minor houses, which until recently have all served tenuous fealty to House Lauda.


Kallidos was settled in several migratory waves of different peoples and creeds. Its history has been marred by the subsequent conflicts, leading to the development of at least two semi-distinct planetary cultures formed by their respective environments. The planet was a mostly inactive member of the League of Nobles during the Butlerian Jihad.


Since being unified by the noble houses, the general population of Kallidos can be described as
dour, practical and pious. Religion is highly important, and the themes of determinism, death
and rebirth feature heavily. Faith is viewed as something more than a guideline and lavish
ceremonies, something unusual for religious life in the wider Imperium, is somewhat common.
These ceremonies contrast with the people’s otherwise spartan lifestyles. Some minor houses
practice slavery, but it is not viewed favorably.


The high level of unpredictable volcanic activity sometimes produces enough ash to cover the
entire sky, impacting the evolution of local flora and fauna as well as agricultural development.

The Great Game

Active Houses

House Varnax
House Harkonnen

Planetary Scan

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This is a fan site devoted to running Dune: Adventures in the Imperium by Modiphius Entertainment, based on Dune created by Frank Herbert and owned by the Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. No use of eithers’ intellectual property on this page is meant to constitute a challenge to either entities’ rights and is intended under fair use provisions. We encourage you to buy a copy of this fine RPG, if you use one of the links provided on this page we’ll receive a small fee that will help support expansion of the material found here. The planetary illustrations here are mostly from the core book and NASA. Art not coming from Modiphius, or NASA are fan works either from myself or other fans, I credit other artists where I have a source available and would appreciate your help finding the origin of other fan art included without attribution. In many places I cite the Dune Encyclopedia, a collective work released in 1983, which I got from a book of the month club accidentally and was my entry point to the Dune universe, I would love to have a link available so you could get your own, but it appears to be out of print.

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