SR5 Library

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The following books are referenced in my Shadowrun material on this site. Each is listed with their identifying information, book code, and a link to get the PDF. As I incorporate more material this list will expand, but it’s already has most of the SR5 assets. I anticipate more SR1 to SR3 lore books being added as I fill out my 2050s campaign.

TitleCodeEditionMaker Serial
Assassin’s PrimerAPSR5CAT26S036
Better Than BadBTBSR5CAT27203
Bloody BusinessBLBSR5CAT27450
Book of the LostBotLSR5CAT27452
Bullets & BandagesBBSR5CAT26S027
Chrome FleshCFSR5CAT27005
Cutting AcesCASR5CAT27202
Dark TerrorsDTRSR5CAT27231
Data TrailsDTSR5CAT27006
Forbidden ArcanaFASR5CAT27011
Gun Heaven 3GH3SR5CAT26S040
Hard TargetsHTSR5CAT27201
Hong Kong Sourcebook**HKSSR5
Howling ShadowsHSSR5CAT27008
Kill CodeKCSR5CAT27013
Krime KatalogKKSR5CAT27002S
No FutureNFSR5CAT27453
Nothing PersonalNPSR5CAT26S038
OG’s Guide to Magic 2050OGMSR5DFW2401
OG’s Guide to the Matrix 2050OGXSR5DFW2402
OG’s Guide to Shadow Tech 2050OGTSR5DFW2404
OG’s Guide to Street Bushido 2050OGSSR5DFW2403
Rigger 5.0R5SR5CAT27007
Run and GunRGSR5CAT27007
Run FasterRFSR5CAT27400S
Sail Away, Sweet SisterSASSSR5CAT26S041
Schattenhundbuch 1-3***SHB1 – SHB3SR5
Serrated Edge (Denver Adventurer 1)SESR5CAT27401
Shadow SpellsSSPSR5CAT26S048
Shadowrun 2050 (German Only for SR5)*SR2050SR4CAT26230
Shadowrun 5th EditionSR5CSR5CAT27000
Splintered StateSPSSR5CAT27400
Sprawl WildsSWSR5CAT27480
Sprawl SitesSS1SR1FAS7103
Sprawl Sites: North AmericaSSNASR4CAT26500
Sprawl Sites: High Society & Low LifeSSHSSR4CAT26501
Stolen SoulsSSSR5CAT27200
Street GrimoireSGSR5CAT27003
Street LethalSLSR5CAT27012
The Complete TrogTCTSR5CAT27506
The Seattle GambitTSGSR5CAT26056S
The Vladivostok GauntletTVGSR5CAT26S030
World of ShadowsWoSSRXCAT26862
Shadowrun Book Index

*The English language book titled “Shadowrun 2050” had stats for fourth edition (SR4), for the SR5 stats you’ll need the German language version.

**The Hong Kong Sourcebook was released as part of a promo for Shadowrun Returns: Hong Kong. You might need a wiz fixer to get you a copy of the PDF now chummer.

***German language only books.

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