PFS 2: Year of the Open Road

Right before the end of the year I started a ‘campaign’ of going through all of the scenarios of 2nd Edition PFS season one: Year of the Open Road. I have a small group of intrepid adventurers and hopefully we’ll make it through all 20+ scenarios together. I am hoping that running all of them will help jump start my meta-knowledge of world of Golarion, since while I did play some 1e PF, I didn’t play in the world of Golarion. I’ve got two seats left if you want to join on to the campaign and get your completist cred going. Sign up information here.
If you are interested in getting these scenarios, you can find them on the Paizo site, URL link included because the search function can be a bit wonky if you don’t know exactly what you are looking for.
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