The Spacing Guild Survey
The Spacing Guild keeps detailed records of all explored worlds, listing their inhabitants, resources, and possibilities for further economic exploitation, as many a Guild Planetary Trade Manager has evoked, the Spacing Guild’s first business is Business.
Each planet will have the following information always available, but secret information is likely kept by the Spacing Guild, that they will not freely share in the interest of fair business practices and Guild neutrality, unless for some reason the Guild’s interests come in conflict with those of the secret holder.
Planetary Name
The common name by which this planet is known,
Planet Image
A nice portrait of your planet.
Star System
The name of the parent star system, will also note if the planet does not orbit the system’s primary star.
List of any moons the planet has, and their general conditions and resources.
Habitability Class
Habitability of the planet, see class on sidebar, any special notes may be listed here.
Noble House(s)
Details of which noble houses operate or rule here.
Primary Export
The primary export of the planet, if there are important secondary exports, they might be listed here as well.
Primary Imports
The kinds of things that the Guild will bringing in on those Highliners, before loading up on the planet’s exports.
Planetary Habitability Classes
Every planet is a unique location with a vast number of differences than others but fall within five classes for our purposes here. The classes are based on human sustainability and availability of water.
- Class I: Cannot sustain human life.
- Class II: Humans can survive with extreme environmental precautions.
- Class III: Humans can survive with environmental precautions.
- Class IV: Humans can exist without protection.
- Class V: Easily sustain human life without preconditions.
1Dune: AITI Core Book, p 65
A Note from the Cai the GM:
While you have almost absolute control over deciding what kind of planet your house comes from, deciding that your homeworld is a perfect place full of wonderful resources that will certainly make “winning” Dune: Houses on Fire super easy, is a trap. Firstly, having such a tasty world makes you a target for the great houses of the Landsraad and possibly, even the Emperor himself might decide your world would make a good winter home.
Secondly, in Dune: HoF, the mechanics between planets are more balanced than the narrative might suggest, as the benefits of hellscape planets that must import their food and water, just make the whole operation worthwhile, hey, that reminds me of someplace.
What languages are spoken on the planet?
Locations of Interest
Places of economic, strategic, or heritage interest on this planet. These elements might have supplemental entries of their own at the end of the planetary listing.
Planetary Narrative
A few paragraphs describing the world, its history, and its inhabitants. Everything is very briefly covered in this section, but important and/or interesting elements might have supplemental entries afterward.
Supplementary Entries
This isn’t a single entry, but a class of entries you’ll find at the end of any planetary record. Common entries are “The Planet Itself” describing the physical planet, its orbit and any unusual conditions’ “The Environment”; “Flora”; and “Fauna.” A “Politics on” and entries on any minority or separatist groups active on the planet are usually the final supplemental entries, if any interesting conditions exist there.
For excellent examples of how to put together a planetary entry, please see chapter two of Dune: Adventures in the Imperium.
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This is a fan site devoted to running Dune: Adventures in the Imperium by Modiphius Entertainment, based on Dune created by Frank Herbert and owned by the Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. No use of eithers’ intellectual property on this page is meant to constitute a challenge to either entities’ rights and is intended under fair use provisions. We encourage you to buy a copy of this fine RPG, if you use one of the links provided on this page we’ll receive a small fee that will help support expansion of the material found here. The planetary illustrations here are mostly from the core book and NASA. Art not coming from Modiphius, or NASA are fan works either from myself or other fans, I credit other artists where I have a source available and would appreciate your help finding the origin of other fan art included without attribution. In many places I cite the Dune Encyclopedia, a collective work released in 1983, which I got from a book of the month club accidentally and was my entry point to the Dune universe, I would love to have a link available so you could get your own, but it appears to be out of print.