It’s war between the United Queendom and the Holy Republican Empire! Played as a play-by-post strategic role-playing game. The field of battle is the great island of Uncontinentia. Most of the land are held by the two great powers, the United Queendom and the Holy Republican Empire, with three smaller, independent domains holding the remainder.

The Great Houses
United Queendom

Count Blaidd of Cardiff

Baron Rene Garscinny of Troisabeilles
Holy Republican Empire

Phylark Alfred Varnax

Duke Holzig von Spielzeug
The Treaty of Squashenburg
The “Great Convention” signed 100 years ago limited each house to one company of infantry to secure their personal safety. All other military units were disbanded and military research halted. So peace was maintained for a century, but the treaty had an expiration date, some 10 turns hence, after which only the great houses will be able to tell if there is to be peace or if Uncontinentia is to be engulfed in another era of war.
The Game Turn
- Shoot
- Move
- Communicate
- Collect
- Build
- Role Play
Game Topics
- Capital Assets
- Cities
- Combat
- Construction
- Control
- Devastation
- Diplomacy
- Leadership
- Research
- Resources
- Terrain
- Units
- Upgrades
- Weapons
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