The world of Shadowrun, known to denizens of the new age as the Sixth World, is a place of magic and high technology, a landscape of danger and mystery, a…
The world of Shadowrun, known to denizens of the new age as the Sixth World, is a place of magic and high technology, a landscape of danger and mystery, a…
As Y2K approaches, kindred and human alike can feel an approaching ending to something they cannot even name. The old ways have stood for millennia, social orders of day and…
Tabletop role-playing games have long captivated the imagination of countless adventurers, offering them the opportunity to step into fantastical realms and embark on epic quests. Among the myriad adventures that…
This 'campaign' is a play through of the entire 25 scenarios found in the Pathfinder Society "Year of the Open Road" (Season One) this is your chance to see where…
Role-playing games (RPGs) are a unique form of interactive storytelling where participants assume the roles of characters in a fictional world. Central to the RPG experience are the rules that…
Crafting the perfect battle map for platforms like Foundry VTT and Roll20 involves a combination of creativity, technical skill, and an understanding of the dynamics of a tabletop RPG. In…
Role-playing games (RPGs) have captivated the imaginations of countless individuals, offering immersive worlds where creativity and storytelling thrive. At the heart of any RPG lies a set of rules, a…
Shadowrun is a tabletop role-playing game set in a dystopian future where magic has returned to the world, leading to a collision between high-tech cybernetics and ancient sorcery. The game…
So, welcome to my game blog, where I’ll occasionally post my thoughts about the role playing game hobby and the role playing game industry. While a lot of this is…
Role-playing games (RPGs) have garnered significant attention in both academic circles and popular culture due to their multifaceted nature and immersive gameplay. These games involve participants assuming fictional characters and…